Nowadays, more and more people are using many kinds of softwares' in their daily work. They can not think of their lives without these softwares' but as we know, many of the softwares' comes with user interface written in English, and lot of people could not read English at all. So it is very important to do the Software Translation. Now question is:
What is the best approach to translate these softwares'?
In general, the purpose of translation is to reproduce various kinds of texts—including religious, literary, scientific, and philosophical texts—in another language and thus making them available to wider readers.
If language would be just a categorization for a set of general or universal concepts, then translation from a source to a target language would be easy; furthermore, under these circumstances the process of learning a Software Translation would be much easier than it actually is. In this regard, Culler believes that languages are not nomenclatures and the concepts of one language may differ radically from those of another language, since each language articulates or organizes the word in a different way, and various languages do not simply name categories; they articulate their own.
The final conclusion likely to be drawn from what Culler writes is that one of the bothersome problems of translation is the inequality among languages. More the gap between the source language and the translated language, the more complex the transfer of Software Translation is from the former to the latter one.
The difference between a source language and the translated language and the variation of Software Translation makes the process of translation a real challenge. Various problematic factors are involved in Software Translation such as form, meaning, style, proverbs and idioms.
Let’s see the procedures for Software translation in general:
1. Technical procedures:
(a) Initial analysis of source and target language should be done.
(b) Before attempting to translate language a thorough study of the source language text should be made.
(c) Initially prior to Software Translation, judgments should be made for the semantic and syntactic approximations..
2. Organizational procedures:
(a)An organizational procedure says constant reevaluation of translation should be done. One should compare the existing Software Translation of the same text done by other translators and then check the text's communicative efficiency by asking the target audience to evaluate its accuracy and effectiveness and giving feedback. Study their reactions to improve software translation.
Moving further Krings translation strategy says “translator should potentially create plans for solving concrete translation issues in the framework of a concrete translation job," whereas Seguinot believes that translators should employee at least three global strategies
(i) Translation should be done without pause for as long as possible;
(ii) Translators should correct surface errors immediately;
(iii) One can leave the monitoring for qualitative or stylistic issues in the translation to the review stage.
However, Loescher translation strategy says "a potentially conscious procedure for solving a issue faced in translation of a text, or any segment of text." As it is mentioned in his definition, the idea of consciousness is important in distinguishing strategies which are used by the learners or translators. Moreover, Cohen asserts that "the factor of consciousness is what distinguishes strategies from these processes that are not strategic."
Furthermore, Bell differentiates among global strategies (dealing with whole texts) and local strategies (dealing with text segments) and confirms that this difference results from diverse kinds of Software Translation issues.
Anyway, Software Translation is very important in our daily life now and one should learn basics of Software Translation. For more details, visit our official website:
What is the best approach to translate these softwares'?
In general, the purpose of translation is to reproduce various kinds of texts—including religious, literary, scientific, and philosophical texts—in another language and thus making them available to wider readers.
If language would be just a categorization for a set of general or universal concepts, then translation from a source to a target language would be easy; furthermore, under these circumstances the process of learning a Software Translation would be much easier than it actually is. In this regard, Culler believes that languages are not nomenclatures and the concepts of one language may differ radically from those of another language, since each language articulates or organizes the word in a different way, and various languages do not simply name categories; they articulate their own.
The final conclusion likely to be drawn from what Culler writes is that one of the bothersome problems of translation is the inequality among languages. More the gap between the source language and the translated language, the more complex the transfer of Software Translation is from the former to the latter one.
The difference between a source language and the translated language and the variation of Software Translation makes the process of translation a real challenge. Various problematic factors are involved in Software Translation such as form, meaning, style, proverbs and idioms.
Let’s see the procedures for Software translation in general:
1. Technical procedures:
(a) Initial analysis of source and target language should be done.
(b) Before attempting to translate language a thorough study of the source language text should be made.
(c) Initially prior to Software Translation, judgments should be made for the semantic and syntactic approximations..
2. Organizational procedures:
(a)An organizational procedure says constant reevaluation of translation should be done. One should compare the existing Software Translation of the same text done by other translators and then check the text's communicative efficiency by asking the target audience to evaluate its accuracy and effectiveness and giving feedback. Study their reactions to improve software translation.
Moving further Krings translation strategy says “translator should potentially create plans for solving concrete translation issues in the framework of a concrete translation job," whereas Seguinot believes that translators should employee at least three global strategies
(i) Translation should be done without pause for as long as possible;
(ii) Translators should correct surface errors immediately;
(iii) One can leave the monitoring for qualitative or stylistic issues in the translation to the review stage.
However, Loescher translation strategy says "a potentially conscious procedure for solving a issue faced in translation of a text, or any segment of text." As it is mentioned in his definition, the idea of consciousness is important in distinguishing strategies which are used by the learners or translators. Moreover, Cohen asserts that "the factor of consciousness is what distinguishes strategies from these processes that are not strategic."
Furthermore, Bell differentiates among global strategies (dealing with whole texts) and local strategies (dealing with text segments) and confirms that this difference results from diverse kinds of Software Translation issues.
Anyway, Software Translation is very important in our daily life now and one should learn basics of Software Translation. For more details, visit our official website:
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